Wednesday 7 May 2014

NHRC Pulls up Railways for Non-compliance - newsindianexpress.

The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) has served an ultimatum to the Railways for not complying with its direction to pay a compensation of Rs 4 lakh to a 24-year-old youth who lost a leg after being pushed out of a running train by a TTE in Jajpur district four years back.

The rights panel has asked the Railways to submit a compliance report along with the proof of payment within four weeks failing which the Railway Board Chief could be asked for a personal appearance.

On May 11, 2009, Benudhar Bhoi, the victim, was allegedly thrown out of Santragachhi-Puri Passenger by a TTE RP Samartha between Jajpur Road and Jakhapura stations for travelling without ticket. Benudhar had to amputate a leg after the mishap.

Human rights activist Prabir Kumar Das had moved the NHRC seeking action against the TTE on the grounds that Railways Act provides for imprisonment upto six months or fine upto `1,000 for travelling without ticket and pushing a ticketless passenger out of a running train amounted to gross violation of human rights.

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