Wednesday 7 May 2014

Padil-Bajal Road under bridge gets Railways clearance

A long queue of vehicles at the Padil-Bajal railway level crossing in Mangalore
on Tuesday. This is a regular feature here, for which the harassed residents
have repeatedly written to the authorities. PHOTO: R. ESWARRAJThe project – keenly awaited by thousands of harrowed road users – is expected to be completed in a year’s time. Palakkad Divisional Railway Manager (DRM) Anand Prakash told The Hindu on Tuesday that the tender for the project will be called soon and the work would commence immediately after the monsoons.

He said the CRS had expressed doubts about the box-pushing technology to be adopted to drill underground bore to construct the RUB without affecting the functioning of the level-crossing. However, the Railways had convinced the CRS on the safety of the technology.

While boring the ground, precautions would be taken to ensure that the earth does not cave in, Mr. Prakash 
said. A shield would be in place to prevent any accident. “This is an accepted technology now,” he said.
Mangalore City Corporation (MCC) is expected to bear half the cost of the project. The DRM said the Railways had already received the amount due from the MCC.

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