Saturday 14 June 2014

Western Railway has procured 100 Smart Card Management Consol terminals

Western Railway has procured 100 Smart Card Management Consol terminals and is in the process of installing them o­n its Mumbai Suburban section.32 more are in the process of being procured.It is targeted to provide ATVMs at all entry points of all stations over Mumbai suburban stations.Similarly, it is also decided to provide SMC counters at all locations with Booking counters at all suburban stations. Presently, 35 SMC terminals exists o­n suburban section.

377 Smart Card Based ATVMs for Mumbai Suburban
Railway Board has sanctioned 377 Smart Card based ATVMs for the Mumbai Suburban Section. Automatic Ticket Vending Machines are a passenger operated touch screen based ticketing kiosk which accepts payment using RFID Smart cards.The smart cards can be purchased, recharged and returned for refund etc from nominated counters (SMC) available at 35 stations over the Mumbai Suburban section from Churchgate to Dahanu Road. The passengers can use the ATVM for all functions available o­n an UTS counter except issual of fresh Season ticket, tourist ticket, cancellation and refund.There are 80 ATVMs functioning in Mumbai Suburban section.

New State-of-the-art (ALL IN o­nE) Versatile ATVM
Versatile ATVMs are capable of issuing tickets and recharging smart cards and accept currency/coin/smart cards as payment. Railway Board has sanctioned 210 versatile ATVMs for Western Railway, which will be installed at 47 major main line stations over Western Railway network. Mumbai Central (Main) and Bandra Terminus stations of Mumbai are amongst such stations, while remaining are Surat, Vadodara, Ahmedabad, Indore and Rajkot etc. CRIS has developed these ATVMs and will be procuring them for the Railways.

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