Monday 17 November 2014

54 HD cameras are installed on the Ahmedabad railway station

After installing high definition cameras at Kalupur station, Ahmedabad Division Railway is upgrading the network to read faces and alert officials concerned to the presence of anti-social elements on its premises. Railways not only expects to check crime but also reunite missing children with their families. The trial has begun and system will soon be up, said officials. As many as 54 HD cameras are installed on the Ahmedabad railway station premises in Kalupur.
Divisional railway manager and other senior officers, not just in Ahmedabad but also in Mumbai, can monitor these cameras sitting in their offices. Taking the arrangement a notch up, they are upgrading it to install 'Facerecognition system', DRM Alok Tiwari told Mirror. The available data of anti-social elements along with their photographs will be uploaded to the software. As soon as an undesirable person is detected by any of the cameras, his or her face will be locked on the screen and an alarm will go off alerting officials concerned.

Government Railway Police hope to prevent such incidents in the future with the help of the new system. Incidentally, Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation has installed 554 CCTV cameras at 62 public places in the city. This is the largest city-wide internet protocol (IP)-based CCTV network installed in any municipal corporation in the state.

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