Monday 5 January 2015

Information Display Table Top o­n Staff Benefit Fund

Information Display Table Top o­n Staff Benefit Fund.

Shri R. K. Gupta, General Manager after releasing the Information Display Table Top where all informations regarding educational assistance, medical assistance, monthly family assistance at the time of sickness, holiday home and recreation at various places, financial assistance for physically challenged wards of railway employees, financial assistance for water purifier in railway premises, funeral assistance,etc. are being informed for benefit of the Eastern Railway‘s employees and their family members.

Shri Gupta said that the Staff Benefit Fund is instrumental in extending various staff welfare measures to non-gazettee employees. It has utilized its resources in multiferous activities like helping staff o­n medical treatment, education and recreation.

However, a lot of work can also planned and take up for implementation by the Central Staff Benefit Fund. He appreciated Central Staff Benefit Fund office bearers and Chairman in particular for this noble idea of bringing out this sort of Information Display Table Top for immediate attention of the employees. He urged upon the Central Staff Benefit Fund office bearers to look forward for extending more and more support to the family members of railway fraternity.

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